Established in 1999

Since 1999, we’ve expanded across the globe and have opened over 25 bartender schools across 5 continents. In the past 20 years, over 80,000 people have taken our unique courses, many of whom have gone on to achieve extraordinary things.

Over 28 schools worldwide

We have schools located in 20 countries across Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, and Africa. We offer you city locations, beach resorts, and even a skiing destination in the Alps.

Over 7000 people join our bartending family every year

We are the largest bartender school in the world in terms of the number of students we educate and the number of schools we have worldwide. This is why our certificate is globally-recognised and is something to be proud of.

The most advanced bartender course ever

Our International Bartender Course is the industry’s most comprehensive course. It’s recognised due to the first-class practical and theoretical education our students receive.

instructor ensuring excellence cocktail

Constantly ensuring excellence

Our Board of Education are responsible for maintaining the highest standards of training in the bartending industry. The world's top bartenders and industry figures work with the board to ensure our courses are always fresh and engaging.

Learn more about the EBS Board of Education.

young professional bartender pouring

Exclusive bartending job platform

EBS MatchStaff is a platform that we created to connect our graduates with venues around the world.

Access to the platform is exclusive to EBS graduates of the International Bartender Course and the Advanced Bartending course.

See how EBS MatchStaff works.