Why is a part-time bar job perfect for you?

A part-time bar job allows you to make good money, work non-traditional hours, and with people your own age. Does that sound like the sort of thing you’re looking for? Check out these 9 reasons why you need to get a part-time bar job:

1. Make good money

You can make good money, sometimes very good money, working a part-time bar job. It all depends on the bar, the clientele and how much effort you put in. When we say money here we are focusing more on tips, that is your goldmine. You give what you receive in the hospitality industry (90% of the time). Each shift means new customers, this provides you with new opportunities to impress and potentially make a heap of tips.

bartender tip

2. Expand your network

Working a part-time bar job allows you to create or develop your own professional network. People from all walks of life go to bars on a daily basis. You’ll come across chefs, electricians, celebrities, airline pilots, doctors and many other fascinating individuals. You can connect and make valuable contacts with such people which could help you in the future.

3. See your friends more  

Do you catch up with your friends in bars during the week or at the weekends? Why not get paid to be in the place where you spend a good portion of your time anyway? You’ll end up seeing your friends more than ever as they’ll actually enjoy hanging out where you work. You can also make them awesome drinks (maybe even at a discounted price) and then catch up with them after your shift.

friends in bar

4. Meet that special someone

As the bartender, you’re the centre of attention. You’ll serve hundreds of different people every shift and find that people will flirt with you. They flirt with you because they either want to get free drinks or because you’re the bartender of their eye. Don’t be offended, but more often than not, it’s because of the first reason. However, the moment will come when somebody isn’t trying to get a free shot of Tequila and genuinely wants to get to know you. That’s the Gin to your Tonic right there.

5. Connect with your colleagues

Having a part-time bar job isn’t only the perfect excuse for you to catch up with old friends but it also allows you to make news ones. Many people make lifelong friends working as bartenders as their colleagues are their own age and are likeminded. After your first shift, you’ll find yourself having a few drinks which will probably turn into a night out (this will happen quite often).

6. Work different shifts

If you’re the type of person that likes to get up late, have a delicious breakfast and then hit the gym or the PS4 before work, a part-time bar job is right up your alley. Bartenders usually work when other people are at home watching TV or are in bed. If you prefer the non-traditional working hours, you’ll find that you can get a lot done during the day and work during the night.

turning off alarm

7. Learn important career skills

A part-time bar job will teach you a bunch of transferable career skills and employers love to see them on your CV. During your time behind the bar, you’ll become more confident, improve your communication skills and learn to work under pressure.

8. Be active at work

If your main job is working in an office or studying, then you’ll find yourself sitting down for many hours of the day. A part-time bar job is totally the opposite, it’s all about being on your feet, being active, and alert. Whether you’re working behind the bar or serving on the floor, you’ll end up with legs like tree trunks and could even end up shredding a few pounds, you’ll definitely feel better for it!

9. Feel fulfilled in a thriving industry

As a bartender, you’re the person people rely upon to help ease the pain of a long day in their dull 9-5. On the flip side, you won’t have a dull day working a part-time bar job; there is always something going so you’re always on your toes. Bartending is also currently going through a resurgence, it is a great time to be a bartender. So why not check out what our 4-Week Course offers?